Dash To Dainzu

A certain senior member of our Sunday ride group was anxious to try out and show off his brand new e-bike on today’s ramble to the archeological ruins of Dainzu. A total of a dozen riders took part in the day’s outing – three ladies and nine fellows in all. The weather forecast called for mild temperatures with moderate cloud cover – and a slight chance of rain. As it happened, there was a major road bike race going on in el centro as our group assembled and then headed out of town. The roadies had the right-of-way, with police blocking traffic at all intersections. Once clear of the city, today’s route wound through the countryside, using a number of different unpaved roads. It was a pleasant ride going to Dainzu and back again, taking nearly five hours. Three flat tires marred the ride but did not destroy the positive karma of the day. All told, the group covered a distance of 53 kilometers (33 miles). That new electric mountain bike performed well and could be ridden without the motor providing any pedal assist for the whole trip – but of course the new owner had to occasionally kick in the motor to see how fast he could go.

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