Visiting The Danzante of Zimatlan Again

We try to mix up our Sunday rides for the sake of variety. However there is only a finite number of routes leading out from Oaxaca and so eventually we have to repeat outings. So it was on this last Sunday of June that our band of bikers set out to pedal to the Danzante of Zimatlan again. This is a gigantic statue of a man dressed in the regalia of the Danza de la Pluma which stand atop a hill a short distance from the town of Zimatlan, some 25 kilometers (16 miles) south of the capital city. Getting there and back is a relatively easy endeavor, as the terrain is remarkably level. Today’s four riders enjoyed a very mild temperature of 24º Celsius (76º Fahrenheit) on the excursion, which was accomplished in five hours, including time out for lunch at the mercado gastronomico in Zaachila on the way home. The group’s timing was good, as a series of afternoon rain showers swept through Oaxaca not long after the gang wrapped up the ride.

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