Oaxaca-Zaachila-Cuilapam Loop Ride

Five gringo bikers decided to go for a ride on Thursday, 6 February through the countryside to the south of Oaxaca city. They rendezvoused at 10 am and proceeded to pedal 25.5 miles (41 kms) through the mostly flat terrain of the Zimatlan Valley, stopping at the weekly market in Zaachila for breakfast before ambling west and then north on country lanes to Cuilapam and then back to the capital city. This was intended to be a social ride, so no speed records were set – especially since Dwayne’s rental bike suffered a flat front tire three times along the route. The ride was capped off with some appetizers and cold bear at the Coco Beach restaurant when the group returned to Oaxaca at mid-afternoon. A good time was had by all.

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