A visit to the Tlalixtac presas

Another spectacularly sunny Sunday in Oaxaca in the middle of January, perfect for a bike ride through the countryside. Originally we expected our group of gringo bikers to number at least half a dozen, but in the end just two fellows – both retired expats from the U.S. – were able to make it. Today’s outing was a round-trip excursion from a home on the south side of Oaxaca city to the two small presas which belong to the community of Tlalixtac. The reservoirs are located near where the Mil Rios trail emerges from a mountain valley after plunging down the hillside from near the town of La Neveria in the Sierra Norte. The point was to get some fresh air and exercise, but on country roads rather than single track trails.This objective was achieved nicely. The total distance ridden was exactly 26 miles (41.8 kms), with an elevation gain and loss of 1284 feet (391 meters) along the way. The ride got under way at 10:30 am and concluded at 3:00 pm and included a stop for lunch at a favorite watering hole on Hwy 175 near Huayapam. 

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