Ride to San José El Mogote

One of the oldest but least known archeological sites near Oaxaca is the temple mound at San José el Mogote, It is thought that at one time Mogote was the largest and most influential settlement in the Valles Centrales and was likely the center of political and economic power of the earliest Zapotec kingdom, from which Monte Alban sprang. There is a small but interesting museum adjacent to the temple ruins. These made a fine destination for an easy bike ride for a half-dozen riders on the second day of July in 2020. With the coranavirus pandemic still in full swing, this outing was a welcome escape from the confines of the city and a chance to stretch one’s legs and lungs in the open countryside. The round-trip distance amounted to 24.2 miles (39 kms) over relatively flat terrain where the elevation gain and loss amounted to a mere 190 feet (58 meters). Bikers finished the outing in three hours, riding at a leisurely pace.

For more information about the history of San José el Mogote, go to:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Jos%C3%A9_Mogote


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