The Danzante of Zimatlan

In July of 2018 a gigantic statue of a figure dressed for the Danza de la Pluma, a colorful dance that tells the story of the Spanish conquest of Mexico, was erected atop a hill near Zimatlan, the largest town in the Grande Valley to the south of Oaxaca city. This monument is a popular destination for cyclists wanting to explore the back roads of the Zimatlan valley. The round-trip distance amounts to over thirty miles, but it is an easy ride because the terrain is very flat except for the short hill climb to the statue. Expect to spend about four to five hours on this excursion through the countryside. Be sure to use sunscreen and pack some snack food for the journey.  We will likely stop for lunch at the mercado gastronomico in Zaachila where over a dozen small comedors offer a variety of local dishes.

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